In our time Christians have become too civilized to run their enterprises and careers from the platforms of spiritual rituals. On the other hand, Muslims remain so primitive that they are never ashamed to run their careers and enterprises from the platforms of spiritual-rituals. I am so certain that there is no existing Christian…
Excessive attention to personal welfare leads to deflation of spiritual sensitivity. Indeed, the more a man seeks after personal welfare the more he loses stamina for spiritual warfare. Little wonder, Jesus commanded you not to seek after what you will eat, wear, drive…but seek ye first the kingdom of God…” Unfortunately, Church services has…
Italian scientist says she discovered main mechanism behind COVID-19 COVID-19 damages the hemoglobin, impairing the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body, compromising the lungs and resulting in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Italian pharmacology scholar Annalisa Chiusolo explained to The Jerusalem Post. If her thesis is correct, it would…
Faith poverty makes men to run their career or enterprise by sight rather than by insight. The most important asset in a company is the company’s library and the company research-lab; but when man suffers poverty-of-faith he will assume the most important asset of a company is the company bank-saving and the company’s Chief…
In the name of Jesus I/WE release divine judgment to expose, implicate, disgrace and consume every man in government, in politics and in industry that is a catalyst, an accomplice or a patron to the creation and spread of the coronavirus. Let the AIR they breath become HELL to their lives, let the water…
Every Product is prone to fall into the state of malfunction by improper use. At this point the product becomes monstrous and harmful. Thus, it calls for urgent drastic mechanical attention in order to restore the product to the virgin factory setting of productive selfless service. Man as a product has since fallen into the…
People are poor not because they are not working hard; in fact, poor people are the hardest working folks. People are rather poor because they are working giftlessly hard. No matter what you do, you are yet jobless if you are not selflessly putting your gift to work. Prosperity does not answer to diligence at…