Great countries are not made by great currencies, but by great citizens. America is not what she is because she has unlimited resources but because she has unlimited dreams.
On the other hand, Nigeria is what she is not because of shortage of resources, but because of the shortage of dreams. The majority of Nigerians don’t have dreams; they just have needs. A need is what you require but lack, while a dream is what your world lacks but you have the potentials to offer.
Nigeria’s problem isn’t brought about by lack of money, so funding is not the solution. Nigeria’ problem is brought about by a lack of manners, so reformation is the answer. Nigerians have to be reformed: to have the right values…to have their priority right…to be legacy spirited.
Indeed, the quest for personal gain is the root of Nigeria’s problem; while the quest for public gain is the foundation of America’s success. Sure! America’s most vital asset is their willingness to contribute; while the root of Nigeria’s set back is her quest for survival.
Hence, the Nigerian Dream is a social-reformative capsule that shall reform Nigerians to see beyond their nose…plan beyond their belly and build beyond their feet.
Samson Adah Paul
Samson has a dream of a united, intelligent Nigeria…where everyone has a chance to enrich their mind and live a life full of possibility
A book full of dreams, hopes and aspirations for his homeland; Samson writes with passion and conviction to make his words an inspiration so that Nigeria can take its rightful place on the world's stage
You could go around and just hand money out to everybody in Nigeria and be just as fair and equal as possible, and it still would all be gone in a month or two. We have got to diversify this economy